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Central Documentation on Animal Genetic Resources in Germany (TGRDEU)

Welcome to the Central Documentation on Animal Genetic Resources in Germany (TGRDEU). This is the official National Inventory of farm animal breeds in Germany.
TGRDEU provides comprehensive information on farm animal breeds in Germany. It includes horse, ass, cattle, water buffalo, pig, sheep and goat as well as poultry, and rabbit.

Development of breeding animal stocks since 1997

Since 1997, breeding animal stocks have been recorded and documented in TGRDEU. These data are the basis for assessing the development of livestock breeds in Germany.
The National Committee on Animal Genetic Resources determines in cooperation with the BLE the endangerment status of indigenous livestock breeds taking these figures into account. The classification into the categories of endangerment is published regularly as the Red List of indigenous livestock breeds in Germany

Information on animal breeding legislation

Breeding of farm animals of the species horse, ass, cattle, water buffalo, pig, sheep and goat is regulated by the German Animal Breeding Act. You will find the respective information on approved breeders’ organisations and associations as well as artificial insemination centres and embryo collection and production centres.

TGRDEU is hosted by the Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity of the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.