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Support measures

Payments for animal genetic resources

Displaying results 1 to 50 out of 253.
Federal country Species Genetic Resource Payment measure URL payment measure
Thüringen Sheep Leineschaf Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Horse Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Cattle Rotes Höhenvieh Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Horse Sächsisch-Thüringisches Schweres Warmblut Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Pig Deutsches Sattelschwein Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Goat Thüringer Wald Ziege Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Sheep Merinolangwollschaf Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Sheep Rhönschaf Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Ramelsloher Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Ostfriesisches Milchschaf Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Hamburger Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Cattle Doppelnutzung Rotbunt Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Cattle Deutsches Shorthorn Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Cattle Deutsches Schwarzbuntes Niederungsrind Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Cattle Angler Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Cattle Rotvieh alter Angler Zuchtrichtung Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Leineschaf Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Weißköpfiges Fleischschaf Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Graue Gehörnte Heidschnucke Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Skudde Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Weiße Hornlose Heidschnucke Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Bentheimer Landschaf Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Rauhwolliges Pommersches Landschaf Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Goat Bunte Deutsche Edelziege Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Goat Weiße Deutsche Edelziege Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Horse Lehmkuhlener Pony Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Pig Bunte Bentheimer Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Pig Angler Sattelschwein Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Pig Rotbuntes Husumer Schwein Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Horse Schleswiger Kaltblut Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Pig Deutsches Sattelschwein Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Rabbit Marderkaninchen Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Deutsche Reichshühner Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Deutsche Langschan Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Goose Deutsche Legegänse Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Goose Emdener Gänse Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Brakel Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Deutsche Zwerg-Langschan Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Krüper Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Ostfriesische Möwen Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Lakenfelder Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Deutsche Sperber Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Goose Lippegänse Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Sheep Weiße Gehörnte Heidschnucke Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Duck Landenten mit und ohne Haube Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Schleswig-Holstein Chicken Westfälische Totleger Schleswig-Holstein: Guideline for the granting of subsidies for various measures in the field of livestock animal breeding and the conservation of endangered livestock breeds in Schleswig-Holstein
Sachsen-Anhalt Pig Leicoma Saxony Anhalt: Guideline for the allocation of funds for the conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture (in German only)
Sachsen-Anhalt Goat Braune Harzer Ziege Saxony Anhalt: Guideline for the allocation of funds for the conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture (in German only)
Sachsen-Anhalt Horse Altmärkisches Kaltblut Saxony Anhalt: Guideline for the allocation of funds for the conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture (in German only)
Sachsen-Anhalt Cattle Rotes Höhenvieh Saxony Anhalt: Guideline for the allocation of funds for the conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture (in German only)