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Support measures

Payments for animal genetic resources

Displaying results 201 to 204 out of 204.
Federal country Livestock species Genetic Resource Payment measure URL payment measure
Nordrhein-Westfalen Sheep Graue Gehörnte Heidschnucke Northrhine Westphalia: Guidelines for the support of breeding and keeping of endangered farm animal breeds (in German only)
Thüringen Sheep Rhönschaf Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Sachsen-Anhalt Sheep Merinofleischschaf Saxony Anhalt: Guideline for the allocation of funds for the conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture (in German only)
Sachsen-Anhalt Sheep Weiße Hornlose Heidschnucke Saxony Anhalt: Guideline for the allocation of funds for the conservation of animal genetic resources in agriculture (in German only)