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Support measures

Payments for animal genetic resources

Displaying results 201 to 204 out of 204.
Federal country Livestock species Genetic Resource Payment measure URL payment measure
Thüringen Horse Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Cattle Rotes Höhenvieh Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Pig Deutsches Sattelschwein Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)
Thüringen Horse Sächsisch-Thüringisches Schweres Warmblut Thuringia: T(h)ür Tierwohl - Action G: Endangered native livestock breeds (only in German)