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Search for animal species Livestock animals

Cattle: Uckermärker

Genetic Resource:
Type of genetic:
Risk category:
Not endangered

Recognized breeding operation


Year Number of living female breeding animals Number of living male breeding animals
1997 930 80
1998 1209 65
1999 1415 104
2000 1601 77
2001 1827 109
2002 1866 98
2003 2169 130
2004 2201 60
2005 2299 65
2006 2329 65
2007 2608 69
2008 2924 89
2009 3225 84
2010 3473 99
2011 3665 109
2012 3788 109
2013 3896 111
2014 3906 97
2015 4078 128
2016 4159 133
2017 4010 105
2018 3862 113
2019 3903 120
2020 3670 107
2021 3517 94
2022 3208 101
2023 3273 103

Cryo reserves

no Information


no Information


Origin and distribution:
East Germany
single purpose meat
Sacrum height of female animals in m:
140 - 145 cm
Sacrum height of male animals in m:
150 - 160 cm
red-white skewbald,white
Horn status:
horned and hornless
Weight of female animals in kg:
800 kg
Weight of male animals in kg:
1.200 kg
Daily growth in g/d:
1450 g