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Genetic resource, Details Search for animal species

Development of population size per colour for Rexkaninchen

Year Colour Status Number of female breeding animals Number of male breeding animals Number of breeders
Total of original colours 5310 3087
2009 Chin-Rexe original 290 177 no Information
2009 Blau-Rexe original 540 323 no Information
2009 Castor-Rexe original 3365 1905 no Information
2009 Schwarz-Rexe original 537 341 no Information
2009 Havanna-Rexe original 135 80 no Information
2009 Feh-Rexe original 156 86 no Information
2009 Lux-Rexe original 287 175 no Information
Total of other colours 3754 1989
2009 Dreifarben-Schecken-Rexe miscellaneous 31 25 no Information
2009 Gelb-Rexe miscellaneous 522 317 no Information
2009 Blaugraue Rexe miscellaneous 82 52 no Information
2009 Rhön-Rexe miscellaneous 78 46 no Information
2009 Russen-Rexe miscellaneous 74 45 no Information
2009 Dalmatiner-Rexe miscellaneous 1187 616 no Information
2009 Loh-Rexe miscellaneous 111 69 no Information
2009 Marder-Rexe miscellaneous 341 202 no Information
2009 Weiß-Rexe miscellaneous 1328 617 no Information
9064 5076 0