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List of animal species Livestock animals

Genetic resources: Horse

Displaying results 51 to 100 out of 202.
Boulonnais Breed exotic no Information
Paso Pferd Breed exotic no Information
Achal-Tekkiner Breed exotic no Information
Quarab Horse Breed exotic no Information
Cruzado Portugues Breed exotic no Information
Araber Breed exotic no Information
Maremmano Breed exotic no Information
Portugiesisches Sportpferd (Cavallo Portugues Desporto) Breed no Information no Information
Karabagh Breed exotic no Information
Hispano-Araber Breed exotic no Information
Ungarisches Kaltblut Breed exotic no Information
Karatschaewer Breed exotic no Information
Korsenpferd Breed exotic no Information
Belgisches Kaltblut Breed exotic no Information
American Shetland Pony Breed exotic no Information
Berber Breed exotic no Information
Anglo-Araber Breed exotic no Information
Warlander Breed exotic no Information
Europäischer Tigerschecke Breed exotic no Information
Europäisches Westernpferd Breed exotic no Information
Camargue Breed exotic no Information
Cob Normand Breed exotic no Information
Connemara Pony Breed exotic no Information
Dales Pony Breed exotic no Information
Dartmoor Pony Breed exotic no Information
Kladruber Breed exotic no Information
Knabstrupper Breed exotic no Information
Konik Breed exotic no Information
Lipizzaner Breed exotic no Information
Lusitano Breed exotic no Information
Mangalarga Marchador Breed exotic no Information
Deutscher Falbe Breed exotic no Information
Edelblut-Friese Breed exotic no Information
Irish Cob Crossbred Breed exotic no Information
Merens Breed exotic no Information
Nonius Breed exotic no Information
Noriker Breed exotic no Information
Orlow Traber Breed exotic no Information
American Paint Horse Breed exotic no Information
Palomino Breed exotic no Information
Paso Fino Breed exotic no Information
Paso Peruano Breed exotic no Information
Percheron Breed exotic no Information
Pinto Breed exotic no Information
American Quarter Horse Breed exotic no Information
Saddlebred Breed exotic no Information
Pura Raza Espanola Breed exotic no Information
Frederiksborger Breed exotic no Information
Trait du Nord Breed exotic no Information
Achal-Tekkiner Partbred Breed exotic no Information