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Livestock animals

Search for breed names

With this query, you can search specifically for breed names, or parts of names. The input of e.g. "cattle" leads to all breed names, which contain "cattle". If you would like to know e.g. all cattle breeds, please use the query in „list of animal species“

Duck: Amerikanische Pekingenten

Genetic Resource:
Amerikanische Pekingenten
Type of genetic:
Risk category:
2 - Strongly endangered (B: Breed introduced to germany and adapted and important for the country))

Colour (status)

  • weiß (miscellaneous)


Year Number of female breeding animals Number of male breeding animals Number of breeders
2000 362 146 -
2005 402 157 -
2008 218 97 -
2009 267 118 -
2013 232 102 -
2016 241 103 55

Cryo reserves

no Information


no Information


Egg shell colour:
white / yellow
Weight of female animals in kg:
bis 3 kg
Weight of male animals in kg:
bis 3,5 kg
Yearly laying performance in number of eggs:
bis 120 Eier
Egg weight in g:
bis 70 g