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Livestock animals

Search for breed names

With this query, you can search specifically for breed names, or parts of names. The input of e.g. "cattle" leads to all breed names, which contain "cattle". If you would like to know e.g. all cattle breeds, please use the query in „list of animal species“

Horse: Hessisches Warmblut

Genetic Resource:
Hessisches Warmblut
Type of genetic:


Year Number of living female breeding animals Number of living male breeding animals
1997 2992 151
1998 2836 144
1999 2620 147
2000 2553 171
2001 2263 182
2002 2205 152
2003 2135 149
2004 2060 175

Cryo reserves

no Information


no Information


Origin and distribution:
South Germany